CPlay Projects Supporters and Contributors

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CPlay committee members at Caroline Bay on Tuesday, from left, Roselyn Fauth, and daughter, Annabelle, 4, Chris Fauth, Lucas Mills, 14, Graham Ward, Max Mills, 11, Sarah Mills, Indie Mills, 7, Leanne Prendeville, Lynette Wilson, Brent Birchfield, Felicity, 7, Hugo, 5, and Alice Brice, and Medinella Fauth, 8.

Monday was an exciting day, when we met a new milestone: playground equipment removal.

CPlay's contractors, Playground Centre, Numat, and Rooney Earthmoving are ready to go to start the Caroline Bay Playground construction.

Security fences went up on 20th March to avoid interrupting major events held at the Bay over Summer. The paddling pool, courts, BBQs, metal slide, and bike skills park will be outside the security fence and available for use.

Curle Contracting, (contracted by Playground Centre), will clear the site of equipment first. Rooney Earthmoving will start the earthworks in April. The council will decide whether to re-use old equipment. Topsoil will be removed and replaced with fill for foundation and mounds.

A landscape plan will help water drainage, and rain gardens will be included to drain stormwater. Paths will be set out before installing equipment. CPlay intends to reinstall the horse, mouse wheel, and pyramid. The embankment metal slide will remain in place. Sequencing the build was carefully considered to avoid going back over completed areas. The plan is to start at the flying fox and work out from there. CPlay plans to commission additional work such as metal fabrication, painting, signage, and building from locals.

'We've been imagining this day for over 4 years. It felt sad to say goodbye to the playground that I am so familiar with. Many of us have played here as kids and brought children down here to play. Some of the equipment goes back to the 60s, so it's served us well. Now that the current playground is at the end of it's life, it makes sense to invest in quality and meaningful play opportunities for children. We are looking forward to a new chapter in the "play at the bay story, where locals and visitors of various abilities, sizes, and ages, can enjoy a more inclusive playground, be more engaged and inspired to use their imaginations to play - among all children, their families and friends.This playground can help to inspire our kids to play, in a more meaningful way, because ultimately our children are important, they deserve to play, and by giving them the best we can, we can see them thrive." - Roselyn Fauth CPlay volunteer
CPLAY Equipment 230322


Congratulations to the CPlay team, who have volunteered their time for over four years.


In alphabetical order
Alice Brice  Grant Applications Lead
Brent Birchfield  Corporate Fundraising
Chris Fauth  Consultation, Grants & Design Team
Francine Spencer  Cultural Liaison & Design Team
Graham Ward  Project Manager & Design Team
John Rushton  Design Oversight & Design Team
Leanne Prendeville  Donations Secretary
Lynette Wilson  Secretary
Owen Jackson (OJ)  CPlay Chair & Corporate Fundraising
Roselyn Fauth  Communications, Research & Design Team
Sarah Mills  Project Support
Vicki Gould  Project Support

Noticed damage, graffiti, rubbish etc?  Please contact Timaru District Coucil via their "Snap, Send, Solve" app or form: timaru.govt.nz/fix-it

For urgent attention phone Customer Services 03 687 7200.

You can still reach our volunteers via email, just keep in mind we are not actively monitoring our messages, so thank you for your patience if we take some time to respond. info@cplay.co.nz

1 Virtue Ave, Caroline Bay, Timaru
(Off SH 1, Evans St).

OPEN 7 days / 24 hrs 

©2020-2024 CPlay and  Website Sponsored by Cloake Creative   Images are subject to copyright by various contributors - for the sole use of CPlay.