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Owen 'OJ' Jackson is hopeful in $86,000 in funding from the TDC to jump-start a project to build a new playground. As well as drawing visitors to Timaru, there were also physical, mental, and social benefits to the playground.

Joanne Holden Stuff Timaru Herald

A group of parents behind a proposal to build a $1.5 million playground at Caroline Bay hopes to receive an $86,000 grant to kick-start the project.

C-Play Playground Upgrade Project spokesman Owen 'OJ' Jackson said the group has applied to the Timaru District Council's new stimulus fund for $86,000 to pay the engagement fee of New Zealand playground equipment supplier Playground Centre.

The money would go towards producing a 3D fly-through of the final design.

“We believe the investment we are asking for is going to be money well spent,” Jackson said.

“The discussions with the council have been particularly positive right from the get go.

“We have kept them totally in the loop with our developments and discussions and Timaru District mayor Nigel Bowen has been extremely supportive.”

The group hoped to hear back from the council in July.

A council spokesman said a $2 million stimulus fund had been proposed in response to Covid-19.

“[We] are seeking community feedback on how it could be used to aid the Timaru District's recovery. Once the principals and criteria of the fund are confirmed, projects will be able to be considered.”

Jackson said a “major fundraising drive” for the playground was in the pipeline, to be held after the Playground Centre's engagement fee had been covered. The group would also be appealing to businesses for help and “putting our best foot forward” for further grants.

“We've remained focused over the past year or so getting a plan of action together, getting the right people in place and speaking to as many experts as we can in order to make the best decisions and give ourselves the best chance of success.”

The economic benefit of the playground was it would encourage families across New Zealand to consider Timaru in their travel plans, Jackson said.

“The current playground has served a purpose for over 35 years but now is the time to create an inclusive play-space that meets today's needs and Caroline Bay is the perfect setting,” he said.

“Caroline Bay is our jewel in the crown, so we should make sure it's nicely-polished and ready to go.”

There were also physical, mental, and social benefits to the playground.

“It's important now more than ever that people have a place to connect with the community,” Jackson said.

“It brings people together and gives them something to be proud of.”

A draft design for the playground by Playground Centre had beaten about 100 others in a public vote. It incorporated well-known South Canterbury places and people such as the lighthouse, penguins, and Richard Pearse into the equipment.

CPlay member Roselyn Fauth and Timaru architect Josh Rushton would be working together to finalise a design, Jackson said.

“We intend to do more consultation to make sure that the space is as inclusive and functional as possible.”

The council spokesman said drainage issues in the playground area had been discussed with Jackson while “council staff assisted in the planning of the exciting CPlay playground proposal”.

“Part of the land in the Caroline Bay playground area has a high water table and can get wet at times,” he said.

“Preliminary investigations identified that given the high water table, flat land and tidal influences it would be very difficult and expensive to drain the site. Not only that but it also wouldn’t be 100 per cent effective.

“This has been conveyed to Mr Jackson and options including raising part of the playground are being considered in future detailed design planning.”

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1 Virtue Ave, Caroline Bay, Timaru
(Off SH 1, Evans St).

OPEN 7 days / 24 hrs 

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