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Fireworks raise 5000 Caroline Bay playground

A fundraising fireworks display at Caroline Bay, Timaru, thanks to the generousity of CBA organisers and the community. Caroline Bay rides CPlay volunteers collecting $5000 for the $1.5 million playground proposed for the bay area. 

Charlie O'Mannin Stuff Timaru Herald

A fundraising fireworks display at Caroline Bay, Timaru, was almost cancelled on Saturday night due to strengthening winds.

Caroline Bay Association (CBA) entertainment manager Kevin Fahey said if they’d waited another half an hour before setting off the fireworks “it would have been questionable whether we could have continued”.

Fahey said the rain wasn’t enough to be an issue, but “the wind was building up and that was something we were having to keep an eye on, making sure it was safe to let them go.”

In the end they ended up beginning the fireworks display a few minutes before the planned 9.30pm start time.

“It was a good display and we were pleased we were able to put that on, it’s just unfortunate it was a bit wet,” Fahey said.

Before the fireworks display, CBA organisers had their Caroline Bay rides in operation from 5.30pm and had CPlay volunteers had buckets collecting asa fundraiser for the $1.5 million playground proposed for the bay area.

Fahey said the $5000 raised “was a good effort for how the night was”.

The Guy Fawkes display became a reality after technical issues grounded the nearly 200 pyrotechnics at New Year. Many of those grounded fireworks were let off on Saturday, with some of the bigger ones saved for the next New Year display.

Fahey said Caroline Bay is “Geared up to do another big display for New Year’s Eve.

“The guys are already working on that now. It should another very good display.”

Noticed damage, graffiti, rubbish etc?  Please contact Timaru District Coucil via their "Snap, Send, Solve" app or form: timaru.govt.nz/fix-it

For urgent attention phone Customer Services 03 687 7200.

You can still reach our volunteers via email, just keep in mind we are not actively monitoring our messages, so thank you for your patience if we take some time to respond. info@cplay.co.nz

1 Virtue Ave, Caroline Bay, Timaru
(Off SH 1, Evans St).

OPEN 7 days / 24 hrs 

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