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CarolineBay PlaygroundUpgrade News 2

Owen 'OJ' Jackson and Roselyn Fauth talk about a proposed $1.5m Caroline Bay playground upgrade.

The vision of a proposed modern $1.5million playground at Caroline Bay is a step closer to realisation for Timaru father Owen 'OJ' Jackson.

Esther Ashby-Coventry

CarolineBay PlaygroundUpgrade News 2

Owen 'OJ' Jackson and Roselyn Fauth talk about a proposed $1.5m Caroline Bay playground upgrade.


The C-Play Playground Upgrade Project was initiated by Jackson earlier this year, and along with a group of more than 14 other parents, he will seek public input at the Timaru Festival of Roses this weekend. In 2016, as a Timaru District Council candidate, he broached the idea of a heritage playground at the bay.

"I've spent many hours at the Caroline Bay playground with my three children and have always thought it had the potential to offer so much more," he said.

Visits to Christchurch's Margaret Mahy Playground had inspired him and he has studied information on the "value of quality play-spaces" and spoken to playground equipment providers and designers.

Over the past few months some group members have met with a number of playground equipment specialists and discussed their plan for a playground that encompassed culture, challenged physicality, offered textural elements, and aspects of the natural environment.

"This playground needs to be a place to have fun and enjoy the sounds of laughter and excitement."

Timaru architect John Rushton has offered to give his time freely to the project, Jackson said.

"We [the group] are really focused on creating a unique destination playground where our community can play, learn, socialise, laugh, have fun and embrace the economic benefits."

Jackson sees the playground as benefiting all Timaru families by "offering a safe, attractive and stimulating play space that will be the envy of other communities".

A recent meeting with Timaru District Council (TDC) on the proposal and to ask for support was positive, Jackson said.

"They [the TDC] have shown enthusiasm for the project and discussions are ongoing."

TDC group manager community services Sharon Taylor said it was a "fantastic" idea which gave users the opportunity for input on how the area was developed.

"Our parks and wider council staff are keen to bring their experience and expertise to the table and have pledged to help the group in developing their ideas for the playground and assist them in making it a reality."

The upgrade group will share a marquee at the Festival of Roses Market Day with Wuhootimaru on Sunday at Caroline Bay. While children painted rocks with a playground theme, parents and caregivers could look over the designs and equipment and ask questions, Jackson said.

Feedback forms will go in a draw for a selection of prizes.

"We want to know how the public feels about C-Play and how supportive they would be so we can continue to forge ahead and provide a playground that is uniquely ours and is one that we can all be extremely proud of."

If the playground went ahead he envisaged it could be completed by the summer of 2021/22.

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1 Virtue Ave, Caroline Bay, Timaru
(Off SH 1, Evans St).

OPEN 7 days / 24 hrs 

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